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$FORA is the native token of the UFORIKA universe. Add $FORA to your treasury and prepare for the invasion.



There is strength in numbers. Forge allies, share strategies and prepare for battle. Evolve to live. Forge allies, share strategies and prepare for battle.

Welcome To UFORIkA

A revolutionary gaming ecosystem building on new, cutting-edge technology integrating with blockchain systems.

Immerse yourself in a story driven universe where skill,engagement, creation and evolution are rewarded. Reveal the secrets of a hidden past and discover your role in an evolving future world.

A new dawn awaits...

Welcome to UFORIKA


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The gaming heart of our world; a Hoverboard battle racing game bringing competitive, intense combat and carnage racing - plus powerful new characters allowing you to forge the ultimate bond.

The World

A connected ecosystem across gaming, technology & digital experiences, journey into the heart of a world of play, creation and community. Unleashing its own unique storyline IP, UFORIKA invites you to discover its hidden past and play an active role in shaping its future.


The Kholtaks are coming! A collectible and customisable utility focussed digital asset collection based on the nefarious characters from the UFORIKA universe - The KHOLTAKS.


Uncover the lore of UFORIKA through the stunning artwork and storytelling of the Origins Series ComicBook collection


The Kholtaks enslaved powerful creatures of all kinds from across the galaxy, even some that were from beyond the realms of the universe. Using genetic engineering and biochemical supernatural powers to support their sinister ambitions,the IKAs were born to form the Infinite Kholtak Alliance, toppling civilisations with blind loyalty. Join Discord to discover the IKA Origin stories...


Chi is one of the Super UFORIKA variants and as such needs to stand out above all the Regular types through use of special materials and visual effects. The Chi variant can channel the purest energy that arises out of consciousness, awareness and stillness. The Chi variant is one of the three most powerful IKA’s and is able to channel this immense energy into beams of radiant light. Chi flows through all living things and at its most powerful is completely in-balance. This balance should be reflected in the character.


The Fly variant is one of the three SUPER UFORIK variants that sits between both Chi and Death. The fly variant is a winged dragon with the white mane of the Chi variant and the scales and claws of the Death Variant. This variant remains neutral in the fight between Chi and death and Kholtaks believe this IKA transports the souls of the fallen to either heaven or hell (depending on how they have died in battle). The Fly variant is able to control the powers of Wind (Atmospheric/Chi) and Fire (Pyrokinesis/Death).


The Death Variant is one of three SUPER UFORIK variants. This creature is irrevocably evil and its only goal is to bring death and destruction to everything around it. Death types leave a trail of rot and fungus, turning vegetation to black, twisted decaying forms in their wake. Death variant are remorseless and one of the most deadly and feared of all IKA’s. Truly a dark and twisted creature created in the depths of hell itself. Spikes, poison, fangs, claws, you name it, if it kills or harms, then Death variants probably have it.


Aligned to Chi, this creature is noble and approachable. The creature’s power aligns with weather systems, for example cyclones, tornados, rain and the manipulation of air. Atmospherics are not as strong as the LIGHTNING and ICE specialists in these respective elements, however their ability to combine these powers together with their mastery of air, makes them incredibly formidable foes. Their alignment to Chi gives them immense strength, control and nobility. Outwardly they do not appear overly aggressive however they’re more than happy to bring the storm when they need to. Atmospherics are gen- erally sky blue with white and dark grey accents.


Ice variants are masters of the cold and can survive in temperatures where all other Regular IKA’s would freeze to death. They’re usually (but not always) covered in fur and have long claws or large foot pads for digging/walking through the deep snow or gain- ing traction on icy surfaces. Ice variants are able to channel their energy into icy blasts of wind, ice and snow freezing or incapacitating their enemy before going in for the kill. Ice variants are predominantly white in colour with blue skin and other details.


Sound variants by nature are loud and bombastic not just audibly but visibly too. They generally have a wicked sense of humour and are never shy or slow in coming forward. Sound based IKA’s are not as the name might suggest, creatures of stealth. Their goal is to dominate and confuse opponents with blasts of sound focused into deafening beams of energy. Sound variants can break rock and glass with a single, focussed blast of con- centrated sound. Sound IKA’s are colourful, party loving creatures that like to stay up all night and trash the party wherever possible. These creatures are predominantly orange in colour with a single accent forming tiger-like stripes.


Don’t let the healing variants fool you, like all IKA’s they were engineered as fighting creatures and certainly aren’t all warm and fuzzy. All healing IKA’s can heal by making contact with another IKA, at which point the contact point will glow brightly has the healing process occurs. Healing IKA’s are predominantly brown and earthy types with strong connections to the ground and nature.


Aligned to Chi, the creature is noble and approachable. Being part of the Electric var- iant means the creature’s powers align with Electricity (fizzing, crackling and buzzing noises) and some form of lightening control – charging up world elements to become eclectically active. As part of the Chi variant, the characteristics are unlikely to be ag- gressive or intimidating, but will still represent strength and control.


All IKA’s are created to fight, however the Fighting variants are masters of melee or close, physical combat. These variants are armed with claws, horns, spikes, teeth, beaks and a whole number of close combat armour and weaponry. Fighting types are one of the most short tempered variants and need no excuse to launch into a vicious fight - it’s literally what they were made for. Fighting types still come in a range of shapes from heavy hulk- ing smashers to lithe punishers who rely on high speed and movement to deliver their attacks. Fighters are generally dark teal with red accents and a more than a few of them proudly wear their scars that they’ve picked up over years of hand to claw combat.


The pyrokinesis variants are typically hot-headed characters with abilities that allow them to create and control fire at will. Dark wizards, witches, demons, dragons and everything in-between practise this dark and volatile art. These variants are typically hot headed and short tempered, often with reddened skin, blackened nails and claws and heavy brows and a stare filled with flame. Pyrokinesis variants are loud and bombastic, they prefer to shout and roar rather than sneak and whisper.


Radioactive IKA’s are almost as hot headed as the Pyrokinesis variant and as toxic as the Death variant. Crackling with green radio active energy all over their bodies, the radioac- tive variants look partially decayed - almost the zombies of the IKA variant types. These are dark variants aligned to Death and enjoy getting close to their opponent transferring that radio-active power into their foe. Unable to cope, with the isotopes, their foes are quickly poisoned. Some of these variants are technologically enhanced with Borg-like prosthetics to help their bodies cope with the radio activity stored in their bodies and their own decay. Radioactive IKA’s glow green from inside out making them easy to spot in the shadows especially when their energy levels are high.


The Ikanium (metal) variants were engineered just like the other IKA’s however these var- iants have no biological parts. Filled with Ikanium bio-technology, these variants are more robots and droids compared to their other IKA cousins. Screens, visors, hydraulic limbs, tentacles, blades and circular saws with built in targeting systems, you name it and these futuristic, biological machines come in a number of shapes and sizes but all are designed to kill. Ikanium variants are not limited to biological constraints, for example they’re more likely to have a pair of jet engines over regular flapping wings.


Psychic variants are a dark bunch of characters. Generally, they’re outwardly quiet and like to stick to the shadows listening for nearby psychic activity. Psychic IKA’s have either prominent brains, eyes or both. You never want to get into a staring contest with a psy- chic variant IKA. These variants have a number of psychic abilities, some of which are; Prophecy, Telekinesis and Shapeshifting. Psychic IKA’s move stealthily and somewhat more slowly/gracefully than their other IKA cousins. Generally they are not heavily built and rely on their mental capabilities to overcome their foes.


Holding $FORA is a way to actively engage with our ecosystem whilst exploring a journey towards passive rewards, contributing to platform growth and participating in key decisions that shape the destiny of UFORIKA.


Staking is the process of holding tokens in a cryptocurrency wallet to support the operations of a network. UFORIKA is delighted to offer 3 variants of staking pools for token holders

Stake now
VIP Staking pool for anyone who previously staked in the Fortian, Chi or Pioneer pool. An APY of 75% with 90 day maturity. (Automatic Whitelist)
Did you miss out on previous staking pool? Available to all, an APY of 100% with 180 day maturity.
Can you lead armies and be a Captain? Hold 50,000 $FORA to get whitelist to this pool, check our socials to learn how to get whitelist. 100% APY with 180 day maturity, min 50,000 stake. Enter this pool and get access to The KHOLTAK Presale (100 Slots Available to all).
Are you one of our secret Assassins? Hold 500,000 $FORA to get whitelist to this pool, 100% APY with 180 day maturity, min 500,000 stake. Enter this pool and we will airdrop you a KHOLTAK PFP (10 Slots available).
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