Stake $FORAStake
Terms and conditions
1.0 General Terms
2.0 Introduction
3.0 Risk Warnings
4.0 Amendments to these terms of business
4.0 Regisering a wallet with us
6.0 Maintaining your wallet and wallet security
7.0 Funding your wallet and purchasing $FORA tokens
8.0 Your representations and warranties
9.0 Suspension and closure of your wallet
10.0 Security measures that we take
11.0 Metaverse Fees
12.0 Complaints procedure and dispute resolution
13.0 Indemnification and limitation of liability
14.0 Intellectual Property
15.0 Communications
16.0 Third party rights
17.0 Enitre Agreement
18.0 Language
20.0 Governing Law and Jurisdiction